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What is Hope House?It is a registered public charitable trust in India catering to provide care and protection to the needy and the vulnerable children. Got a question? Click here
What is the current area of focus of work of Hope House?Children. In Indian law a child is defined as "anyone that has not attained the age of 18" Got a question? Click here to ask
What is the geographical area of your work right now?Three districts in the state of Tamilnadu - Vellore, Thirupathur and Ranipet Districts. Got questions? Click here to ask
What is the registration structure of the Hope House?It is a registered public charitable trust (under Indian Trusts Act) in Vellore, Tamilnadu (registration number: 1268 of 2004). Our registered office is located in Vellore and we have nine board of trustees to govern the organization. Got questions? Click here to ask
What operations does the Hope House engage in?Area of our focus is children and the approach that we follow is 'rights based'. Broadly our activities are divided into three categories namely 'institutional' care, 'non-institutional' care and undertaken projects. In institutional care, we take in children that need care and protection and cater to their needs till they are reintegrated in to their communities. We have two institutions namely: Children's home Specialized Adoption Agency Our institutional care services are rendered at our facility in Karigiri. In non-institutinoal care service category, we again cater to the needs of children that need care and protection but can be remained in their own communities by receiving help that they need. Currently we have two projects. COP (Community Outreach Program): This program is meant for the families that are burdened with HIV/ Disability/ Child Labor and Tuberculosis. Project YUVA (Project for the Young people to Understand and Verbalize Adolescence) in partnership with Christian Medical College (CMC), Vellore and Childline India Foundation (CIF), Mumbai. Lastly, under the category of 'undertaken' projects of which both belong to the Government of India. Childline Sub-Center: This is child emergency helpline which is implemented in Ranipet District. Childline Sub-Center: This is a child help desk run for the runaway and vulnerable children at Jolarpet railway junction. Got questions? Click here to ask
What is 'rights based approach' that you talked above?Every child in this universe has rights and Indian law accords different rights under it's constitution and also in a specific law called "Juvenile and Justice Act" . In all our operations, we try to introduce innovative methodologies to nurture children without violating any of their rights. For example, children have the right to protection and we have robust child protection policy in place where our staff have to give an undertaking (at the time of recruitment) to state that they wouldn't engage in any kind of activities that would violate the rights to protection. We also understand that rights come with responsibilities so we help children in a balanced way to understand their rights and responsibilities. Got questions? Click here to ask
What sort of accountability standards do you follow?Hope House adheres to and follows high standards of accountability, transparency and governance. Hope House is listed as a "GiveAssured" NGO of GiveIndia - a premiere and an oldest fundraising platform of India, that requires that we comply with the high standards for accountability, transparency and governance. GiveIndia requires that we renew each year. Board of trustees meet on a frequent basis to review the operations to provide guidance. We have all our accounts managed on Tally software and audited by a Chartered Accountant (CA). We release Annual Report of our activities All the employee salaries are paid through bank transfers All our employees are provided with EPF contribution and ESI coverage for healthcare. As much as possible, we make all our payments to service providers through digital payments (cheque and online transfers) We are required to renew our GiveIndia membership every year which requires Got questions? Click here to ask
Where do you get your resources to run the operations?Majority of our donations are very small (Rs. 50) and they come from Indians. We have India's incom tax exempt status (80G) to give to the Indian donors Small percentage of our funds do come from the donors abroad: 1. We have tax exempt status in the US through third party agreements. For example, we have an understanding with GiveIndia which has their own 501c3 status in the US to raise funds on our behalf. Also, we have a intermediary agreement with a non-profit of the US called "Hope House International" to raise funds in the US on our behalf. 2. We have an understanding with GiveIndia which has a UK tax exempt status (GiftAid) to raise funds in UK on our behalf. 3. We have an understanding with DIZ, Frankfurt which has Germany's tax exempt status to raise funds in Germany on our behalf. Got questions? Click here to ask
Do you have 80G (tax exampt status), FCRA and Darpan registration?"Yes, we do. 80G exempt status number is: DIT(E) No. 2 (740) 05 - 06 FCRA registration number: 075980304 (Nature: Social. Renewal is due on 31/10/2021) Darpan Unique ID: TN/2017/0155020 Got questions? Click here to ask
Can I sponsor/ mentor a child at the Hope House?Yes, you can. Please write to us at or whatsapp message at 9629471920. We'll send you all the details of how to go about it. Got questions? Click here to ask
Can I celebrate my birthday (or any special occassion) by sponsoring a meal for the kids?Yes. Anyone from any part of the world can celebrate their/ their loved one's special occasions with the children at the Hope House. We have designed a calendar for you to book a date which you can access at this link Prices also stated on the same page (bottom of the page). We prefer that you join for the special occasion in person but if for any reason that you cannot attend, we'll send the photos and a video to let you know how it was observed. Got questions? Click here to ask
Instead of donating money, I want to purchase the items that you all need, can I do that?"Yes. You can do that from any part of the world by accessing this page to see our grocery needs of a month. You can order as much as your budget allows and the merchant delivers it to our door. For the home delivery merchants list, kindly do send us an email at or a whatsapp message at 9629471920. As soon as we receive the supplies that you order, we'll send photos and videos to confirm of the receipt of the supplies. Got questions? Click here to ask
How do you admit children to the Hope House?First and foremost, we can only admit 12 groups of children (called as "children in need of care and protection") that are stated in the sub-section (14) of section (2) of JJ Act, 2015. Even to admit those 12 groups of children, there is a well laid process that we follow: 1. Once we receive a referral from anyone asking us for admission for a particular child in need of care protection, our Social Worker visits the child's home to prepare a Social Investigation Report (SIR) . Social Worker prepares the report along with his/ her own recommendations. 2. If in the above step, the Social Worker recommends to admit the child to the Hope House, the report will be forwarded to the trustees for their consent. 3. Once the trustees consent for the admission, child will be produced before the Child Welfare Committee (CWC) for orders. If the CWC is satisfied and gives the orders, child's family/ guardian will be asked to bring the child along with the belongings for counselling and admission of the child to the children's home. Got questions? Click here to ask
Is Hope House CCI a gender specific home?No, it is not. Our JJ Act registration approved strength is 21 girls and 2 boys. JJ Act does allow boys up to the age of 10 years to stay in the same home with a provision for designated accommodation (with separate bathroom and a toilet) and restrictions on visiting into the girls rooms. Got questions? Click here to ask
How many children do you have now?Government approved strength is 21 girls and 2 boys. Today's (27th October, 2022) strength is 18 girls and 2 boys. Got questions? Click here to ask
Is Hope House a recognized adoption agency?Yes, it is recognized by the state of Tamilnadu (Department of Social Defense) after going through an arduous due diligence process. It may be noted here that the Hope House adoption agency is recognized as the Specialized Adoption Agency exclusively to cater to the children with special needs. Got questions? Click here to ask
When does your adoption agency license expire?We received the Specialized Adoption Agency (SAA) license in April of 2022 and the license valid for five years from the date is issue (April, 2027). Got questions? Click here to ask
Are adoption agencies are funded by the Government?Yes, they are. Under mission Vatsalya, specialized adoption agencies are funded but not all the costs are covered. For example, since we are an adoption agency catering exclusively for the children with special needs, we go to the hospital almost on a daily basis but the transportation costs are not covered under the state funding. Having said that, state funding to the adoption agencies cover major part of the expenses such as employee monthly salaries, rent, and utilities etc. Got questions? Click here to ask
Can I adopt a child directly from the Hope House.Right now, every adoption has to occur through a registration process that ought to take place on the government web site at Any other way would be considered as illegal. The process that is followed by the Government is 'Double Blind' where neighter the Specialized Adoption Agencies (SAA) know who would be the prospective adoptive parents (PAPs) for the children that they care for nor the PAPs know where their desired child would be coming from. Both entities (PAPs and SAA) have to upload the information to a common platform (called CARINGS) on the above given web site and the Government will match the child to the parents and share the required information with the respective parties. Simple answer to your question is NO, you cannot directoly adopt a child from an adoption agency. Got questions? Click here to ask
Whats the difference between 'Foster Care' and 'Adoption'?When adoption is completed, the district magistrate will issue a document (a legal document) that declares the adoptive parent(s) as the parent(s) with rights, privileges and responsibilities that are attached to biological child. In essence, when the adoption is completed legally, you're the parent to the child. Whereas in foster care, that permanancy of the relationship doesn't exist. You'll be the caretaker of the child in your own dwelling while the Government will remain the sole custodian of the child. Got questions? Click here to ask
What is 'Project YUVA'?YUVA is an acronym that stands for Young people Understanding & Verbalizing Adolescence. It is a collaborative project between the Hope House, Christian Medical College (CMC), Vellore, and Childlilne India Foundation (CIF), Mumbai, for promoting adolescent health. Got questions? Click here to ask
What is Project YUVA's geographical area?Currently, we plan to address the issue of adolescent health in Vellore and Ranipet districts (in schools and in the communities) but we are developing digital tools (mobile app, information call center, youtube channel and the web site) which could reach larger population anywhere in the world with the information pertaining to adolescent health. Got questions? Click here to ask
What are the distinct roles of each of the three partners of Project YUVA?Christian Medical College (CMC): It is a tertiary level hospital with the adolescent health sub-speciality in child health department. They will be developing content that will have to be delivered to the adolescents in the schools and in the communities. They will also oversee the accuracy of information if developed by others. The Hope House (THH): Above developed content will be delivered in the schools and in the communities by the Hope House. Childline India Foundation (CIF): It is a Mother NGO implementing childline operations in India on behalf of the Ministry of Womena and Child Development and because of this partnership, there is a wider acceptance at the Governmental level. It is our hope that working in the Government schools and in the communities becomes easier. Got questions? Click here to ask
Is there an exclusive web site for Project YUVA?Yes, we do. It is Kindly be aware that it is still under construction. Got questions? Click here to ask
What is 'Community Outreach Program' (COP)?It is a program of the Hope House where we extend assistance for four vulnerable groups (HIV, Disability, Child Labor and Tuberculosis) of children and their families to purchase groceries so that children need not be institutinalized. It is similar 'sponsorship' in JJ Act. Currently we support 25 families. Got questions? Click here to ask
What is Childline - Subcenter?Childline is a project of the Childline India Foundation implemented in partnership with the Ministry of Women & Child Development of Governmetn of India. This program is implemented through local NGO's that are identified as 'Partner NGO's'. There is a hierarchy of NGO's that could be chosen by Childline India Foundation implementing various tasks. Sub-Center is the lowest in the hierarchy that is chosen to implement the childline operations in designated geography. Hope House is chosen as the sub-center partner to implement the operations in four different blocks of Ranipet district namely - Nemili, Arakkonam, Sholinghur and Kaveripakkam. Got questions? Click here to ask
How many employees does this project has?It is has five employees - One team head and four team members. Got questions? Click here to ask
What is CHDIt stands for Child Help Desk which is located at Jolarpettai railway junction. Got questions? Click here to ask
How many employees does this project has?This project employees salaries are funded by the ministry of women and child development (WMCD) through Childline India Foundation (CIF), Mumbai. This project has 11 employees. Got questions? Click here to ask
What is Hope House?Hope House is a registered charitable organization working for the children in need of care and protection in three districts (Vellore, Ranipet and Thirupathur) in the state of Tamilnadu. We have projects under two broad categories namelyl 'intstitutional care' and 'non-institutional care'. You're advised to visit the 'Projects' link (or any other link for any other information pertaining to our organization) on this site to get to know more about our work. Got questions? Click here to ask
What is Hope House Internship?We offer in-person six weeks of full time internship (8 hours/ day for six days in a week) in the area of 'Child Protection' which includes theory and hands on practicum (in six different modules) to prepare any graduate (with passion for social work) for an employment opportunity in the area of child protection in any compatable organization (priviate/ public). Got questions? Click here to ask
What is the objective of this internship?To prepare a graduate for a career in the field of 'Child Protection' in public/ private sector. Child Protection is a an exciting area with wide variety of employment opportunities. It could range from working in an NGO or NGO with childline, working at statutory bodies such as CWC, JJB, SCPCR, NCPCR, or public sector jobs such as CARA, SARA, SJPU, contract works such as DCPU, working for the international organizations such as UNICEF. Many other areas of work (such as education and healthcare etc) also could be potential destinations for such desiring interns. Got questions? Click here to ask
Who can join for this internship?Any graduate (with passion for social work in general and child protection in specific) can join for this internship. Foreign graduates may also apply but it is contingent upon the issuance of appropriate visa by the Government of India. We'll assist you with our end of the paper work in obtaining your visa. We do not accept foreign graduates with visitors visa to do this internship. Got questions? Click here to ask
What are the different modules offered under this internship?Currently our internship is structured for six weeks to work on six different modules namely: Modules: 1. Fundraising module: Concepts related to fundraising. 2. Research module: Concepts related to research. 3. Projects module: Exposure to each of the projects of the Hope House. 4. Legislative module: Learning about JJ Act, POCSO Act, RTI Act 5. Writing module: Writing posts for the social media and case studies etc. 6. Networking module: Networking with statutory bodies at the district level. Got questions? Click here to ask
Do I get stipend during this internship?No, currently there is no provision for stipend for the interns. Got questions? Click here to ask
Do I have to pay for the internship?Currently it is structured in such a way that it is offered at no cost. We reserve the right to change the current structure at the time of our choice. Got questions? Click here to ask
Do you provide accomodation and food for the outstation interns?No, we do not. Interns are required to take care of their own arrangements for food and accomodation and its related expenses. Got questions? Click here to ask
What kind of expenses do I need to foresee to prepare myself?Mainly, there will be three different kinds of expenses namely 1. Food 2. Accommodation 3. Domestic travel Got questions? Click here to ask
What all do I need to have during this internship?High level of motivation and discipline. Remember, you're spending money (food and accomodation for example) for this internship, we expect that you would have those qualities to apply anyway. Apart from this, you would need flulency in spoken and written English and be able to use the computer (personal computer is a must). Got questions? Click here to read
Do I get a certificate at the end of the internship?Yes, you'll receive a certificate stating the number of hours invested and the names of the modules completed. Got questions? Click here to ask
Can I get the contact information of previous interns to speak to?Yes, send us an email at ( and we'll provide that to you. Got questions? Click here to ask
For more information...You're always welcome to write to us (at but before that, check out the comments section below to see if your questions are already been answered by others. Got questions? Click here to ask
1. Teaching musical instrumentsKindly check back more details... Got questions? Click here to ask
2. Helping children with science experiments to expand their horizonKindly check back for more details...
3. Helping children do craft workKindly check back for more details
4. Arranging a movie nightKindly check back for more details...
5. One on one mentoring of the youthKindly check back for more details...
6. Teaching gardeningCheck back for more details...
7. Teaching pet careCheck back for more details
8. Taking dance classesKindly check back later for details...
9. Teaching English (Phoenics)Please check back for more details...
10. Evening Tuition Center to support the children in difficult subjects.Please check back for more details...
1. Assisting with the current web siteHope House has a web site at and it is managed by novices using wix platform. If you're an individual with web site building expertise (design and content), you could volunteer to support us in making our web site dynamic and vibrant. If you like to volunteer, kindly do send an email now to All our volunteers receive a certificate of completion if they invest 5 hours or more in volunteering.
2. Assisting with the Hope House's Google Ad grants accountHope House has Google ad grants account where Google grants $329 of virtual money to the Hope House spend on Google's platforms to attract the potential donors/ stakeholders to their respective landing pages. Currently it is managed by the novices but if you have the expertise to assist with building campaigns using Google ad grants, kindly write an email to us now at All the volunteers who invests more than 5 hours of time volunteering receives a certificate of completion.
3. Writing posts for the Hope House's blogHope House maintains a blog at and we would like to write more frequently than what we've been doing now. Currently it is managed by the novices but if you have the expertise to write enriching and inclusive posts and would like to volunteer, please do write to us now at All the volunteers who invests more than 5 hours of their time volunteering, receives a certificate of completion.
4. Designing a poster(s) for the Hope House's social media postsHope House has very actve social media handles at facebook, twitter, youtube and linkedin. Currently they are managed by novices but if you have the expertise to design and develop posters for us to use in the social media posts, please write to us now atWe'll give you all the background information that you need to have to develop the posters. All the volunteers who invests more than 5 hours of their time volunteering, receives a certificate of completion.
5. Fundraising for the marginalized child that you identifyYou identify a financially deserving child who needs financial assistance to pursue higher education and you can raise funds using the Hope House's fundraising platform that is extended to it by GiveIndia. Before you choose to create a campaign for any individual, kindly do discuss with the Hope House representative to ensure that this child indeed meets the criterion to raise the funds. Once that is determined, Hope House will guide you as to how to create a fundraising campaign for the deserving child of of your choice. Funds raised will be kept with the Hope House and the Hope House will disburse the funds to the college/ institute and any merchant directly.
6. Career counselling for the youth over the phoneIn this day and age, young people have enormous number of chioces in terms of building thier career. Often you find the youth being confused about not knowing what is the right choice for their future. We need passionate individuals giving pragmatic career counselling to advice them to choose the right kind of career choices based on their aptitute and appetite. Write to us at about being a career cousellor to the most vulnerable children.
7. Virtual mentoring the youth over the phoneIts a common belief that an adolescent that has a passionate and a sensible mentor to guide, more likely that they'll stay the course. We are looking individuals that are interested to engage our children over a phone conversation to understand their needs to guide them to make right choices for their life. Write to us to know more about this volunteering opportunity at
8. Writing a letter to a childAll our children are in need of care and protection. We strongly believe that any child that is denied of love and affection would grow up to be someone who cannot share the same kind of love and affection with others when they grow up. How sad proposition that could be!! We want to ensure that our children experience love and affection in various ways from diverse group of people. One of that is to physical receive letters. You like writing letter to be like a 'PenPal'? You could write them in Tamil or in English. If you like to do that, send us a mail today at
9. Writing scripts: for audio jingles and short youtube videosWe learned that the social media has a strong influence on the society today and we want to capitalize on that. We want to capitalize to promote the value of child rights and child protection. We make short audio jingles and youtube videos (possibly less than two minutes long) and share them freely. We need people that can write scripts or share ideas over the phone to make jingles/ videos. Do you have those skills? Write to us at or send a whatsapp message to 9629471920 and we'll get in touch with you.
10. Teaching English over the phone (Phonics)All our children come from the marginalized communities and the depth of their English is very shallow. We believe that having a reasonable grasp in English is essential and could help them to excel in the years to come. These children literally needs English coaching from the scratch (Phonics) and if you have that expertise to share to help, get in touch with us at or a whatsapp message to 9629471920 and we'll get in touch with us.
Our phone number9629471920
Why does the Hope House use an extenal site to raise funds?Hope House doesn't have adequate resources to spend to obtain a secure platform for fundraising. By partnering with GiveIndia, they are able to provide a secure platform to our donors for a small fee. Also, GiveIndia offers lot of matching prizes to small NGO's like the Hope House which we try to win as many as we possibly can win.
What is the right amount to raise on my personal fundraising campaign if I create one?Only you know your network better so it would hard for us to suggest but as a ball park figure you can try to raise Rs. 5000 and edit it as and when you figure that you can raise or less depending on the campaigning date. Remember this: Although you have a campaign of your own, you will still be showing the Hope House page but you will be showing your name as though you created it.
Which are the countries that GiveIndia gives instant tax exempt receipts for?India, US and UK
How soon does the Hope House receive funds from GiveIndia?In about a week.
What is the purpose of me creating a fundraiser when Hope House itself has a fundraiser?Although the fundraisnig site (of the Hope House) remains the same, there is a difference in YOU creating a campaign. It presents to your friends and family under your name which gives name recognition and confidence to donate.
How often does the Hope House conduct fundraising?Once a year from February 1st to March 31st.

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